How do I write simple Chime pages? (part 1)

Start by saving the Chime Template page to your N: drive.  To do this, 

  1. Point at the link above and right-click (or, for Mac's, hold down mouse button)
  2. Select Save Link As...  
  3. Make sure the file type is "Source", not "Text"
  4. Save the file 
Customizing the Template file
  1. Open a Netscape Composer window using the Communicator-Composer menu option at the top of the browser window*. 
  2. Using Composer, open the template file on the N: drive
  3. Edit the text as you wish.  Some formatting hints are provided. 
  4. To create the Chime images, right-click on the first yellow embed tag and select the HTML Tag Properties menu option.  In the dialog box you will see this text:

      <embed src=filename.pdb height=200 width=100% name=pdbimage>

    Translation:  The source (src) of the molecular data file is filename.pdb.  The image is 200 pixels high.  The width of the image is 100% of the table cell width.  The image is arbitrarily named pdbimage, which can be used in later scripts to refer to this Chime image.

  6. Replace filename.pdb with the name of your pdb file.  You may also wish to change the name of the image (optional).
  7. Repeat the steps above with the second embed tag (for your mol image).
  8. Now use the Preview menu option at the top of the screen to see how your page looks.  If all is well, then you should see your molecules appear as Chime images.
*Mac users, select File, then Open, and then Page in Composer...
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