How can I save my images for use by other programs?

There may be times when you want to make an image for use in other programs, such as word processors or Powerpoint.  You can use Chime to create attractive molecular images that can be saved as static image files and imported into most any program. 

To do this, modify any Chime image using the Chime menus.  Once you have the molecule looking as you'd like, activate the Chime menu and select the Edit-Copy option.  Open a Netscape composer window and select the Edit-Paste option from the menu bar at the top of the screen.  This will create a jpg image which can be saved onto your N: disk.  You can also paste the image directly into most word processors or image editing programs. 

This concludes the Chime workshop.  The Web References page has the links from this workshop listed in a single page.  There are many resources available on these links for those who are interested in exploring further the potential of Chime.

Adrenaline (epinephrine) 

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