Computational Chemistry at GVSU

Useful UNIX Commands

Here are a few useful UNIX commands to allow you to manipulate your files. Note that these UNIX commands are similar to DOS commands. In the description below, change the item in italics to the actual item you are interested in.

UNIX command Description
ls lists files in the current directory (directory = folder)
ls stuff* lists all files that start with "stuff" and have any ending (* is a "wildcard")
ls -l lists files in long format
cd directory change the current directory to directory
cd  .. goes to the directory one level up. (two periods, .. signifies the directory one level up.)
cd returns you to your home directory
cp filename(s) directory

copies a file (or files) into a directory

cp filename . copy a file into the current directory (a period, . , signifies the current directory)
history lists previous commands typed in and their number
more filename lists the contents of filename. Use the space bar to advance; type /string to search for string; type q to quit.
mv filename newfilename rename (move) a file
mv filename directory move a file into a directory
mkdir directory make a new directory
pwd list the current directory (or "print working directory")
rm filename delete (remove) a file
rm -R directory removes a directory and all of its contents
rmdir directory removes an empty directory
!! redo last command
!# redo command number # (replace # with an actual number. Example: !4 retypes in command #4. Note: history tells you which number to use for each command previously typed.)
command & runs the command command in the background. Example: icharmm &  runs the command icharmm in the background.

Additional Notes:

If you run a job from the command line, and then realize you want to run it in the background, type control-z, which halts the jog, and then type bg to start it up again, but in the background. The advantage of running jobs in the background is that when you log out, the job continues to run.

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