So what's the big deal anyway?

I'm glad you asked!!

Strictly speaking, there isn't a point to all this.   I just like things simple.  Rather than opening my favorites menu, then opening the folder, then clicking on the link, I thought I'd just make a page with my favorite links on it.  Furthermore, I have some link to "Sub Pads" which allow me to have easy access to more links without having to scroll.  So, if this page seems stupid to you, I'm sorry.  It was meant for me.  If you want to use it, GREAT!  You can even suggest links you'd like to see on the main page, or as a sub pad.  (I may not use them, but by all means, feel free to make a request!) 

So why doesn't it look fancy?  Well, fancy is cool.  Pictures, Graphics and the like are really neat.  BUT, they take time to load.  I wanted this simple, remember?

Anyway, I shall leave the soapbox now and allow you to continue with your meaningless web browsing.  Thanks for taking the time to read.   Email me from the link below, and maybe I'll send you a message saying hi.   You might even win a fabulous price, but I REALLY doubt it.  (Mainly because I'm not giving out fabulous prices!)

Email me... or ELSE  don't email me, your choice really....

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