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Nichole Brault
Dream Journal (excerpt)

My dream took place in the Graphic Design computer lab. There is a student who brings in one large frog and sets it on the desk. I am scared of the frog so I jump onto the desk. The professor comes in and yells at the student who has the frog to get rid of it. He places it in a cage next to his computer. In that instant millions of medium size frogs start to jump around the computer lab. Then all of a sudden millions of tiny frogs appeared. Jumping frogs suddenly surround us. It was like bees were attacking us. We open the door and they are let loose. Lorelle enters the room and tells us we have to go and contain the frogs. We all trail outside and climb a huge hill and attempt to capture these frogs. Everything is out of control. Women and children are running and screaming. The sky takes on a greenish feeling.

This was a recurring dream that I had once before. I was at this high-tech video game place where you were given a card and the games were pre-chosen. When a light would light up on your card, you had to report to that room to play that game. There was one game that I was terrified to play and it kept lighting up on my card. I entered a large theater with tons of seats and people sitting in them like they were waiting for a movie to begin—only I was the movie. I had five minutes to prepare myself for the game. This is how the game went: my task was to roll down a hill into an ocean. I had to hit a certain spot on the shoreline in order to win and in order for the monster not to be unleashed. I missed that spot I had to hit every time. I am pretty sure it was impossible to hit. The room began to shake and I got chills. I could feel myself become terrified. From the back of the room a large, bald giant emerges. He is mean and very large. I am about as big as his pointer finger. Once he enters the room I have to try and hit him with a football three times before he can get close to me. I am trembling. He spots me from across the room and he comes towards me. I go through playing this games several times but I never see the ending. Then I leave the room and meet my friends and I pray that they don’t call my name anymore to play that horrible game. I had this dream one other time and it scared me just as much then.

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