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Chris Scamehorn
Dream Journal (excerpt)

I was in an underground bunker by my parent’s house when a guy in a top hat came up to me. He asked me if I knew any magic tricks and I said that I did. I took an apple from a table and threw it up in the air. It hit the ground and nothing happened. I looked at the man and told him to not doubt me. I said, “Have faith in me.” I then proceeded to throw the apple in the air again and this time it turned into a dove and flew away. This amazed the man so he handed me some paint balls. “Throw them anywhere and they will splatter into the image of a brick wall,” said the man in the top hat. I walked down the road and threw the paint balls on the ground and watched the brick walls appear.

George W. Bush was coming to my parent’s house to eat spaghetti so I had to dress up as a guard and wait by my garage door for him. There were a couple of other guards outside my parent’s house as well. I thought I would play a game in the mean time. I grabbed the remote to our garage door and kept pushing the button rapidly. The guards didn’t like this so they told me to take a walk. At this point, I woke up briefly then fell back asleep.

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