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Jason Six
Dream Journal (excerpt)

I’m playing cards with Rachel in the living room. The TV is on, playing an old Christmas cartoon special. The cards we are playing with begin to vibrate. What should be images of kings and queens on the cards are now elves and snowmen dancing. The cards become books that we each are looking through. The living room now has no walls and it is snowing all around us. We each realize it is time to head back into the house. The house behind us is a mansion and we begin to walk up the steps. Shortly after ringing the doorbell an old woman answers. We ask her is she would like to buy some Christmas cards. She shows littler interest and we start heading down the steps toward other houses.

Hugging the trunk of a tree, I peer around the corner looking at someone in the distance doing the same further out in the woods. Fog begins to envelop everything. Feeling I must find this individual, I begin grabbing for other trees to find my way. As my hand grasps the branch of a small tree, I begin climbing. I am now searching for an old carving I did in a brand of this tree when I was a young boy. Looking down at the ground, now several hundred feet below, a heavy wind begins to blow through the branches and the tree begins to sway. I am now hanging on for fear I may fall. Dangling from a small brand, I begin to swing and I am now on a swing in a playground. I begin to feel nauseous from the motion of the swing and jump off. Realizing I was involved in a contest to see how far we could jump off the swing, I see I did not fly very far. The others around me begin to stare and I become self-conscious. Attempting to get back on the swing to try another jump, the sand around my feet becomes thick like quicksand and I am stuck. Wind begins to blow stronger. I am bent backwards at the leg and the back of my head brushes the ground. The ground becomes water and I am doing the backstroke beneath a hot sun. I am now very tan and resting on the beach. The people that were around me at the swing set are not on the beach. I recognize no one and head back into the water. Swimming further and further into the water, I become tired and cannot swim any longer. Descending beneath the water, I cannot breathe and begin to drown.

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