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Jennifer Zona
Surrealist Text (excerpt)

(Editor’s note: These “narratives” were based on a process of fusing together disparate fragments of story and dialogue encountered while channel surfing. The inspiration for this project was the early Surrealist practice of wandering in and out of movies in progress, allowing the different film fragments to merge into one hybridized narrative.)

The female scientist is running toward the ocean. She is on an island running on the sands of the beach. The robots are looking for these scientists in the college every day; they do this by reviewing two new sponge applicators. Because you are a club member, there will be a sixty-day money back guarantee.

You will find out that the most important thing is the word of the lord. The lord is there with you. I will have the peace of knowing that this little diet, called gastric bypass surgery is a procedure to limit the amount of food that you eat.

Even though both of your parents are unemployed, you will be all right and you will be fine. There are eight million Americans looking for work. When I approach the place they have a sign up but they are not hiring. What happened to that bong? The ghetto is gonna keep me outta jail. Goodbye little monkey boy. I know that there are lots of beautiful babes in San Diego but you must keep focused on the beach, the island in the ocean.

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