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Alicia St. Germain
Dream Journal

In this dream I meet a woman walking in circles around the cul-de-sac street outside my house. I inviter her inside to wait with me (for what I’m not sure) in the kitchen. On the kitchen counter is a large head of green iceberg lettuce about the size of a bowling ball. The woman scolds me and insists I put the lettuce into a Tupperware box and wash it with water and liquid soap. Instead of placing the lettuce in a Tupperware container I hold it under the kitchen faucet and run cold water over it. All this time the woman is telling me that I should see a face in the lettuce soon. I continue to wash and turn the lettuce head; my hands begin to ache from the cold water. The woman begins to pressure me to continue to look for the face in the lettuce. Soon I begin to see the outline of a man’s features in the lettuce folds, but as to whom the features belong I cannot tell. The woman begins to yell and insist that I see a face in the lettuce, yet I am unable to and upon telling her this I awake.

In this dream I am standing on the beach at night. I’m wearing a scarf and a green velvet dress. When I look down at my feet I see that I have no shoes on. In the nearby water I can see hundreds of plain white letter envelopes floating adrift in the waves. Immediately I feel compelled to collect the envelopes, so I run into the water without taking off my clothing and frantically grab at as many envelopes as I can. In the distance I notice the outline of a large dark fish swimming towards me. Without hesitation I get out of the water before it gets too close. Unfortunately I have to leave most of the envelopes behind. Sitting down on the sand I scatter the envelopes around my naked feel and take off my scarf and tie it around my head. My hair wet from swimming in the water begins to curl to a thickness like cooked noodles. This fact does not seem to bother me at all; instead I am intent upon discovering the contents of the envelopes. Using a nearby broken seashell I tear the tops from each of the envelopes to reveal that they are all empty. This fact saddens me greatly and I dig my feet into the sand.

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