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Celine Parme
Dream Journal

I live in a warehouse with a bunch of friends. I always have to walk up a bunch of stairs to get to the top floor where we live. There had been a big disaster like a tornado or mudslide downtown, so lots of my friends went down to try and help. I had a blind date so I got ready instead but kept trying on tons of outfits. Later my friends got back and my best friend Jenn was wearing a futuristic outfit and kept talking about the devastation. I said she looked like trash and complained it was just a storm. My date arrived downstairs and I was upstairs on one side of the balcony (for some reason the building had been gutted in the middle) and I had to try and jump onto a rolling mattress to ride to the other side where the stairs were. I had heels on so I was scared but I did it anyway and the mattress rolled out of control and I landed in the middle of the room.

After my great grandma dies a lot of her old letters get passed on to me. I was reading through some of them and find that there is a lost treasure (or inheritance) that may by laying at the bottom of the sea in a boat that is in a picture with the letters. My brother and sister and I go through old public records to find where the boat may have gone. We travel to the each to a coastal town and go snorkeling. We find a rusty old box and take it back home but are disappointed when we open it up only to find more letters. My brother and sister leave but I become obsessed with it searching through the letters for more secrets. Then I notice a wedding invitation that has a cryptic poem written about a hidden compartment and something about nuts. I go back to the rusty box and find it has a fake bottom. When I unlock the hidden compartment I find a satchel fill with four nuts. Three of them are pistachios and are nothing but the fourth was a walnut and I pry it open to find a solid gold ball encrusted with diamonds.

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