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Kristina Bloss
Dream Journal

My roommate Amy and Jon were on the phone and were arguing as always. She was crying and I could hear him on the other end sobbing like a child. I heard her say that she wanted all of her things back and two seconds later there was a knock at our door. She went to answer it but I moved her out of the way and between sobs she told me that he had said that he didn’t want to see her face again and that he wanted any girl but her. When I went to open the door I was so angry with him and I looked up and he was crying much harder than I’ve ever seen a boy cry in real life. All he was carrying to give back to Amy was an old pink towel that he said he kept when she washed the dishes once at his apartment. I grabbed it from him and told him to stop being such a pansy, and it was his decision after all to not see her anymore. Jon sat down outside our door and cried into his hands but I closed it and locked it behind me. Amy wanted to go talk to him and she said it was really all her fault anyway. I told her that if she opened the door that I was leaving and she would have to pay all the rent alone from then on.

The next dream was back at the scary Hillcrest, in an apartment I shared with Megan, Amy, and Amy’s little sister Kimberly. The floor of the apartment was tilted at an angle, which obviously made walking very difficult. There was only one bedroom with one bed that went into a living room with a pullout couch and a television. The bed was Amy’s and it was assumed that I would share with her as Kimberly already claimed the couch. Megan became furious when she realized this and threw a fit, throwing furniture and screaming at everyone. One random door we found led to a kitchen that had four other doors that opened to four other apartments, all of which shared this space. Somehow it worked out so that our door was the only one we could open so we would never be confused about which one to try. The entire dream was spent going around to our neighbors’ apartments with Megan complaining of our off kilter floor and the sleeping arrangements. Everyone we talked to thought it was preposterous, and they all decided that no one would talk to Amy for the rest of the year and that Kimberly would have to spend the whole time sleeping.

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