
 Alfonso X el Sabio (1252-1284)



Como Santa Maria desviou a monja que se non fosse con un cavaleiro con que posera de ss' ir.


De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal

Santa Maria, tan muyt' é leal.

E dest' un miragre vos contarei

que Santa Maria fez, com' eu sei,

dûa monja, segund' escrit' achei,

que d' amor lle mostrou mui gran sinal.

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...


Esta monja fremosa foi assaz

e tîia ben quant' en regla jaz,

e o que a Santa Maria praz,

esso fazia senpr' a comunal.

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...


Mas lo demo, que dest' ouve pesar,

andou tanto pola fazer errar

que a troux' a que ss' ouve de pagar

dun cavaleiro; e pos preit' atal

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...

Con ele que sse foss' a como quer,

e que a fillasse pois por moller

e lle déss o que ouvesse mester;

   o pos de s'ir a el a un curral

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...


Do mõesteir'; e y a atendou.

Mas en tant' a dona adormeçeu

e viu en vijon, ond' esterreçeu

con mui gran pavor que ouve mortal.

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...

Ca sse viu sobr' un poç' aquela vez,

estreit' e fond' e mais negro ca pez,

e o demo, que a trager y fez,

deita-la quis per i no infernal

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...



Fogo, u mais de mil vozes oyu

d'omes e muitos tormentar y viu;

e con med' a poucas xe lle partiu

o coraçon, e chamou: "Sennor, val

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...


Santa Maria, que Madr' es de Deus,

ca sempre punnei en faze-los teus

mandamentos, e non cates los meus

pecados, ca o teu ben nunca fal."

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...



Pois esto disse, foi-ll' aparecer

Santa Maria e mui mal trager,

dizendo-lle: "Venna-ch' or' acorrer

o porque me deitast', e non m' en cal."

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...






Esto dito, un diaboo a puxou

dentro no poç'; e ela braadou

por Santa Maria, que a sacou

del, a Reyna nobre spirital.

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...






Des que a pos fora, disse-ll' assi

"Des oge mais non te partas de mi

nen de meu Fillo, e se non, aqui

te tornarei, u non averá al."

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...



Pois passou esto, acordou enton

a monja, tremendo-ll' o coraçon;

e con espanto daquela vijon

que vira, foi logo a un portal

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...

U achou os que fezera vîyr

aquele con que posera de ss' ir,

e disse-lles: "Mal quisera falir

en leixar Deus por ome terrêal.


De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...

Mais, se Deus quiser, esto non será

nen fora daqui non me veerá

ja mais null' ome; e ide-vos ja,

ca non quer' os panos neno brial.

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...

Nen mentre viva nunca amador

averei, nen non quer' eu outr' amor

senon da Madre de Nostro Sennor,

a Santa Reynna celestial."

De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal...


(de Alfonso X, el Sabio Cantigas de Santa Maria (cantigas 1 a 100),

 ed. Walter Mettman, Madrid: Castalia, 198-200.)


Facsimile del Códice Rico producido por Edilán

La biblioteca de GVSU tiene el MS de Florencia




"Cantigas of the Códice Rico Featuring Women"

(una lista compilada por la doctora Connie Scarborough de la Universidad de Cincinnatti)

6    Woman searches for son slain and hidden by Jew

7    Pregnant abbess denounced by other nuns and gives birth with help of Virgin and is saved.

9    Pious abbess asks pilgrim for painting of Virgin from Holy Land

15    Empress of Rome and her adventures to protect her chastity [#5 in Mettman's composite numbering of Cantigas]

17    Widow commits incest with son

18    Woman who raised silkworms forgets to fulfill promise to Virgin and silkworms weave gifts for her

21    Firstborn of formerly sterile woman dies and is revived

23    Woman hosting king has empty barrel refilled

43    Dead child promised to Virgin is revived at shrine of Salas

55    Virgin takes the place of nun who runs away with abbot

57    Thieves are hurt because they robbed a pious nun

58    Nun's wavering virtue is strengthened by a fearful dream

59    Nun, intending to run away with man, is slapped by Christ on the cross

62    Woman in debt is forced to pawn son but Virgin provides for his ransom

64    Unfaithful wife is stuck with lover's shoe half on, half off

68    Two rivals for a man's love are reconciled through Virgin

71    Nun is counseled by Virgin to pray more slowly and thoughtfully

76    Woman takes child Jesus "hostage" to force Virgin to revive her own son

77    Woman with twisted hands and feet is cured by Virgin

79    Silly girl is instructed to redirect life and dies a saint

81    Woman has beauty restored to her diseased face

86    Woman pilgrim is saved from drowning and gives birth in sea

89    Jewess converts after Virgin helps her give birth

94    Nun runs off with a man but Virgin takes her place until she returns

104    Stolen host bleeds in jilted woman's headdress

105    Woman vowed to chastity but forced to marry is saved by virgin

107     Jewess in Segovia is saved from fall and converts

114    Woman's wounded son is miraculously cured overnight

117    Seamstress who broke vow is punished with twisted hands but later is cured

118    Woman with history of stillbirths has fourth child revived

122    Sister of Alfonso X (Berenguela) is restored to life through their mother's prayers to Virgin at shrine

125     Cleric seduces a chaste girl but after they marry they repent and each takes vows [equal protagonists]

127    Boy kicks mother, cuts off own foot in repentance but is healed by Virgin through mother's prayers

131    Empress Jordana prays to Virgin to save husband trapped in cave

135    Separated lovers, betrothed from childhood, are reunited

136    Sacrilegious woman throws stone at Virgin who lifts her arm to protect child

146    Son's eyes and hands are restored through mother's prayers

147    Poor old woman's stolen sheep is recovered through Virgin

153    Skeptical woman is flown in her chair to shrine of Virgin

157    Woman who robs pilgrims of food has knife stick in her mouth

167    Moorish woman's child is brought back to life after three days

171    Drowned son revived when mother completes pilgrimage

179    Woman with twisted legs is cured at Virgin's shrine

184    Pregnant woman is hacked open but child survives to serve Virgin

185    Wicked woman induces Moor to climb in bed with daughter-in-law but latter is saved from trial by fire by Virgin

188    Young devotee of Virgin is found with imprint of divine Lady on her heart after her death

191    Wife of the mayor is saved from accident on way to well

195    Girl whose chastity is respected by suitor gives him proper burial [illumination and most of text lost from Códice Rico]