

Participation, attendance and preparation (15%). You are expected to come to every class prepared, having read the materials and done any assignments for the day. Since the principal format of the class is discussion, oral participation is essential (this will have the added benefit of increasing your oral/aural skills). You are allowed 2 unexcused absences per semester without penalty, any beyond that will be reflected in your final grade. If you have a medical emergency, please bring in a written note from your doctor. Please note that in accordance with the catalogue (p. 80), an instructor may deny a student credit in a course due to excessive absences. The Spanish Section defines “excessive” as 25% of the course. What this means is: any student who misses 7 or more classes for any reason will receive an automatic F in the course.

Homework assignments (15%) You will be asked to prepare comprehension questions and exercises as well as summaries of the stories read for class. These are indicated on the syllabus.

Story telling and reading aloud (15%). You will be asked to tell stories in class or read them aloud during the semester. These exercises should be carefully prepared ahead of time so that you may do them to the best of your ability. Practice the stories several times in front of a mirror, with friends, on tape, etc. Remember, this is a performance in front of an audience, your classmates.

Essays (20%). You will write two essays of approximately 2-3 pages (500-750 words) in length on the short stories we have read in the class. Topics will be assigned at least one week before they are due. Please be sure to type the papers and check the spelling and punctuation. Include a word count at the end.

***The essays will be graded using this Rúbrica para la evaluación de composiciones

Audio story dramatization (15%). In groups, students will create an audio dramatization of a story that they have read in or out of class or one of their own invention.

Final exam (20%) So that you may synthesize and review what you have learned in the course, there will be a final exam on Wednesday, April 25th. This exam will consist in 10 short identification questions from the stories read in the course, and two to three essays revolving around themes we have discussed. Please note that this exam will not be rescheduled nor may you take it at another time. Arrange your plans for the end of the semester to include this exam.


Participation, attendance and preparation (15%)

Homework assignments (15%)

Story telling and reading aloud (15%)

Audio story dramatization (15%)

Essays (20%)

Final exam (20%)

A = 94-100; A- = 90-93; B+ = 87-89; B = 84-86; B- =80-83; C+ = 77-79; C = 74-76; C- = 70-73; D+ = 67-69; D = 64-66; F = 0-63  

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